Honeyview is a fast, powerful and free image viewer. The program is compatible with most formats, so you won't run into any trouble if you're trying to access a gallery composed of images with different extensions, even if, for example, they are in compressed formats like ZIP, RAR, 7z, or TAR. Honeyview works not only as an independent display, but also shows the EXIF data for each photo on your home screen if you select this option. Thus you can see the file size, date, and, if it's a JPEG, the parameters with which the shot was taken, such as the manufacturer, model, shutter speed, aperture, and ISO sensitivity.
Main Features:
- Lightweight and fast
- Ability to display EXIF in Jpeg format, including GPS information
- Batch image format conversion with resizing
- Show animations for animated GIF & WebP
- Show images in zipped files without extracting them
Supported Formats:
- Image formats: BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, PSD, DDS, JXR, WebP, J2K, JP2, TGA, TIFF, PCX, PGM, PNM, PPM, and BPG
- Raw image formats: DNG, CR2, CRW, NEF, NRW, ORF, RW2, PEF, SR2, and RAF
- Animation image formats: Animated GIF, Animated WebP, Animated BPG, and Animated PNG
- Archive formats for direct image viewing without extraction: ZIP, RAR, 7Z, LZH, TAR, CBR, and CBZ